How to Donate
The Seventh District Foundation would not be able to support the needy children of our community without the generous support of people like you.
The recipients of our charity are often poor, uninsured and unable to afford adequate medical care. They may have special needs that go unmet without our help. They have nowhere else to turn except to the organizations whose support we fund with your donations. For your generous support, we thank you.
There are several ways for you to make a donation. The easiest way to do so is with the form on this page. Simply follow the instructions, then click the "Donate Now" button to complete your donation, and receive a receipt to your email.

Make a Direct Donation
Are you considering a gift in kind, stock, trust and estate assets or another form of tax-deductible donation? Let us assist you in making all the appropriate arrangements.
Make a Donation by Mail
Please do not send cash by mail. To make a donation by check:
1 - Write a check payable to "Seventh District Foundation"
2 - On the memo line of the check, indicate that the donation is for "Seventh District Foundation"
3 - Mail your check to:
Att: Seventh District Foundation
71 West 23rd Street, Suite 1629
New York, NY 10010
4 - To track your donation, use the form on this page, and select "Offline Donation" as your donation method.